How to Stop Your Dog Jumping Up On You: How to Stop Your Dog From Jumpin...

How to Stop Your Dog Jumping on People

Dogs are some of the warmest and most welcoming of pets - this is of course why they are the most popular pets in the world. This is of course usually a welcome trait. However it can go too far when dogs jump up on visitors or guests without invitation and annoy them or cause worry. In these cases, it is useful to know how to train your dog to stop this kind of thing happening. It is not too difficult to do, and if you follow a few simple guidelines, you and your dog will be much happier and get along better in no time.

When starting off, you should first understand what makes your dog jump on people. Initially, dogs tend to learn to jump on people when they are young puppies. This is because this kind of behaviour is actively encouraged in puppies. When puppies jump on people it is cute and generally welcomed. On the other hand, with bigger, older dogs it can actually be actively dangerous, particularly with children or older people. For this reason, it is important to make sure a puppy learns not to jump up on people before it is too late and they are big enough to do some damage.

Fortunately, it is quite easy to stop a puppy jumping on people, just because they are so small. Just push them down carefully but firmly and show them that this is not acceptable. They will soon learn that this kind of behaviour is simply inappropriate and will stop doing it. As long as you follow through on this every time, they will soon pick it up. Dogs are creatures of habit and repetition is an easy way to teach them something. Consistency is guaranteed to reach them, but equally inconsistency will confuse them, so be sure to enforce one rule for the whole time.

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Clicker Training For Dogs: What Does It Take to Train a Service Dog?

What Does It Take To Train a Service Dog?

When people hear the words "service dogs", they automatically think of a guard dog or police canine unit, however, this is not the case. A service dog is typically one that assists its owner in their everyday lives, usually owners with medical problems such as blind and deaf people. Of course this kind of canine needs to be taught how to be a service dog as well as having suitable temperaments and suitable fitness levels.

There are only certain breeds of dog that are considered suitable for this particular role and most dog breeds are classified as unsuitable due to their size or temperament. The primary roles of the service dog include helping blind and visually impaired people to move around, especially when outside, as well as alerting deaf people that there is a problem or that there is someone at the front door.

The Training Process

The training of a service dog takes a lot of responsibility and is certainly not easy by any stretch of the imagination. The dogs are typically adopted as puppies by the service program in question so that they are immersed into the environment that they are going to be spending the rest of their working lives in. One the puppy has reached a certain age and level of physical maturity, it will begin the training process.

Puppy Training

When the dog is still a puppy, the main orientation that it will undergo, is the socializing with people and other dogs, this will help it to gain experience in what is going to be a very busy life ahead of it. It will also teach it to adapt to the many different people and situations that it can expect to encounter in the future.

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How to Stop Dog Aggression

How to Stop Dog Aggression

If you have an angry or frightened dog it is important for you to learn how to stop dog aggression. Every month there are people being bitten by angry dogs and it doesn't always have to be attack dogs. You will also find that even family dogs can start to bit if they are not trained properly or if they find themselves in situation where they are scared of something.

Having an aggressive dog will cause problems for you and your family in many ways and that is why you should start your dog training as soon as you possibly can. You will find that there are a lot of dog training courses offered in almost every city so you can probably find one in your local area. Attending dog training will help you teach your dog a lot of other valuable stuff so you'll not just get the benefit of getting a calmer dog but also a more obedient dog.

The major problem with an aggressive dog is that it can bite you unexpectedly. But it is not only you but also small children and guests visiting that might be bitten. When walking your dog or letting it run loose you also risk that strangers will be bitten and the result will often be that you'll have to put your dog to rest. You will probably also face some kind of fine and if you don't have proper insurance coverage you can quickly find yourself in a very expensive situation.

So again I would like to encourage you to attend dog training classes with your dog. You will not only learn something valuable but it will also be quality time with your dog and everyday life will be much easier when you know how to make your dog follow commands. And if that isn't enough I think that the thought of having to not only put your dog to rest but also facing a large fine should have you think twice.

So basically the answer on how to stop dog aggression would be for you to attend some local dog training classes as soon as you can.