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Video Title:
Stopping Demand Barking Using Positive Reinforcement
Video Tags:
Stopping Demand Barking Using Positive Reinforcement, dog, dog behavior, dog behaviorist, dog obedience, dog training, dog trainer, David Codr, Dog Gone Problems, fixing dog problems, dog training tips, dog training secrets, Omaha dog training, barking, demand barking, barking dog, stop barking, stop dog barking, stop demand barking, positive dog training, how to stop demand barking for attention, how to stop demand barking and biting, how to extinguish demand barking, how to train dog to stop demand barking, how to stop demand barking at other dogs, demand barking in crate, ignoring demand barking not working, demand barking at night
Video Description:
Sadie here as Adam and Barker; she has been barking at me for about an hour now; I'm wearing here because good behavior and bad behavior or a good option for humans is the same. If you have a dog, that is a demand marker. This dog doesn't have any rules, so she thinks she gets everything she wants, and if she doesn't, she barks to protest and say Mrs. So what I've been telling you every time the dasher does something, I want absentee.
No, as soon as she sucks, I give her a treat, but I'm waiting for her to do it organically. Now, I'm going to show her this because I've done it a couple of times. I can get her to sit just by holding it up sit. So I popped the treat in her mouth, I'm saying, and said immediately afterward, sit now. If I give a dog a pleasure while its bark is rewarding the dog for barking, so dasher said you got the trim.
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I'm not going to give both dogs a tree. Many people are that well make sure that we're fair to both dogs, but oh good. She did not. If I give you a treat, listen sit, they noticed I'm not calling her to sit. She knows how to set. I'm showing her that I have pleasure here sit and every time, she displays the behavior that I want.
I give her that treat now there's a little bit of delay, but you are barking sit Breno, see now she's starting to gravitate towards the positive, the behaviors on what? Because that's what gives her the treat sit, and I'm moving pretty quickly to get that treatment in her mouth like I said, you have a window of five seconds, but the faster you, the jealousy give me a strong bond at that time. I was trying to get to her my cutter, my surprise, sit, but as soon as she poses like you, she won't reach out, so I'm going to reward the dogs with desired behaviors and ignore undesirable behaviors. Now, this is annoying, and if the mouth of a dog man is barking already, it's time to bump it going crazy cancels from saying shut because it gets on our nerves.
But that's what the dog is your intention, and so, if you yeah I'm giving them what they want situations, you might fight off a moment of sense, but then you're going to deal with hours of boredom not sit. This is how you can use positive reinforcement to stop dogs from demand. Barking sit
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Free Dog Obedience Video Course >> LEARN MORE
Video Tags:
Stopping Demand Barking Using Positive Reinforcement, dog, dog behavior, dog behaviorist, dog obedience, dog training, dog trainer, David Codr, Dog Gone Problems, fixing dog problems, dog training tips, dog training secrets, Omaha dog training, barking, demand barking, barking dog, stop barking, stop dog barking, stop demand barking, positive dog training, how to stop demand barking for attention, how to stop demand barking and biting, how to extinguish demand barking, how to train dog to stop demand barking, how to stop demand barking at other dogs, demand barking in crate, ignoring demand barking not working, demand barking at night