How Can You Stop Dog Barking at Night

How Can You Stop a Dog Barking at Night?

Stop Dog Barking at Night: There is arguably nothing more frustrating or terrifying than waking up, night after night, to the sound of your dog barking. What is truly worse is when it is your neighbor's dog that is barking. The good news is that you can stop your dog barking at night, although it does take a little bit of work.
The first thing to bear in mind if you wish to stop your dog barking at night is that there is an excellent reason why your dog is barking. Your dog normally barks because they hear a noise that frightens them, and since it is their job to defend you, they will bark in order to inform you of a potential threat. Although this may not be what you want them to do, it is in their nature to do so.

how to stop dogs barking
One way that you may reduce your dog's barking at night is by training your dog to bark just once or twice for every noise they hear. Using a citronella collar or other natural gadget, you may communicate with them that one bark is OK but anything more is not. This permits them to accomplish their job (to bark) without interrupting your sleep.
Another way to keep your dog from barking when you are trying to sleep is to attempt to get them into the same sleeping pattern as you. Keep them awake all day if you have to, which might be difficult if you aren't home. You could do this by dialing your home phone and waking them up, or by leaving the television or radio on for them.It's not uncommon for this type of disturbance to cause them to get exhausted and less inclined to bark late at night.
Getting your dog to quit barking at night for apparently no reason at all will take time and patience on your side. Don't give up, though, and whatever you do, do not shout at your dog. Yelling accomplishes nothing whatsoever. In fact, yelling may even trigger your dog to bark louder or longer. Here is another problem with yelling: it gives the impression that there is nothing wrong with your dog's barking. For a dog, there is really very little difference between yelling and barking; both are loud, both command attention, and both are disruptive.
Please visit our website at how to stop dogs barking for more details.

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