- If you're a new puppy owner, or you're about to become a new puppy owner, you're probably doing lots of research about how to give your puppy the best information. Well, in today's video, we're going to give you five tips for puppy training that will set your puppy up for a lifetime of successful learning. I'm Ken Steepe. - And I'm Mark Herfert. - And this is Rev. - Is Rev. - Welcome back to McCann Dogs.
Can you start training a 8 week old puppy?
(guitar strumming) (puppy barking) So Mark, talk a little bit about using a house line with Rev. When you might use it, why you're using it, you know the benefits of using a house line. - Yeah, so with a little puppy like this honestly at this point she doesn't really know a whole lot and she's just gonna be a little wild child at the house and running around, so I need some way of being able to maintain a little bit more control on her.
Throughout the house, if this kid gets away from me, she's running underneath tables, she's running behind the couch, and the last thing I want to do is run after her because if I'm running after her then she's like, "Hey, this is awesome!" And it's just a game of catch sort of thing.
How can I exercise my 8 week old puppy?
So by having this long line, if she decides to go a little way of distance from me and I need to get her closer to me, I can just step on it and I have full control over her.- Yeah, so anytime we're working with our puppies we want to make sure we do have control of them in case they decide to scoot away. It just gives you a little bit more control and it makes you look like a dog training superhero because you don't have to actually take hold of them for you to have a little bit more control.
What should 8 week old puppy be doing?
- Yeah and the beauty is that even if I went out in the backyard I still have that long line on, she's only gonna go, you know, when we're in the backyard maybe seven, eight feet away from me but I've got this long line on me that I can easily catch up to her at any time. - You know something that a lot of us trainers will do with our new puppies is something called hand feeding, and I know, Mark, you feed her raw, you feed all of your dogs raw, but it's something that you could do with your feeding process with your puppy, now tell our audience a little bit about what hand feeding could mean for them.
- Yeah, no matter what you're feeding, it's really good because what the purpose behind why we're doing that is we want these puppies to begin to realize that all good things come from us. And of course food, and especially a puppy being eternally hungry sort of thing, if the food comes from me, the puppy knows that I'm the one that provides all the necessities for it. And it just builds that relationship between us as handlers and the dog that much stronger.- Tell us a little bit about loading your puppy's name and how you can do that at their regular feeding time.
- Yeah so at this point right now there's no point in calling Rev's name cause as much as Ken knows Rev's name, I was gonna say Ken knows Ken's name, (laughs) as much as Ken knows Rev's name and I know Rev's name, Rev has no idea what her name is at this point.
So if I just sit there and call her name and call her name, nothing's gonna happen and we're just gonna deaden that command. So what we like to do is we take a high value reward, hopefully she's got a hungry belly, and we take that food, place it on the nose, call her name and that will lure her towards us.
The reality is she's following the food not the call to her name, but right away there's name, reward, name, reward, name, reward and she starts to build value in that name. - Yeah and Mark mentioned something really important. So if your puppy isn't paying attention to you, you can use that treat, put it on their nose and guide them back toward you. Once you have that undivided attention, you can break that up a little bit, so Mark would say, "Rev," then reward. "Rev," then reward, "Rev," then reward. It really is a Pavlovian idea of ringing the bell, and your dog starts to associate that with something.
So what you're doing with your eight week old puppy, is you're really building value for that work by saying your puppy's name, then feeding them.
It doesn't even need to be a complicated process. It's a pretty quick training opportunity but man oh man does it ever build value for that name. The one thing you do have to be careful of though is that you're not calling your dog's name throughout times in the house where they can make a mistake. Mark mentioned that you really run the risk of reducing the value of that word if you're using your puppy's name when you don't have an opportunity to follow it up.
So in the house, Mark might use something like, "Here pup pup!" or anything else other than Rev's name when he needs to get her attention or when he's having fun with her in his home.
- Yeah absolutely, at that point we're just making up nicknames that will have no real expectations for it later, so pup-pup-pup-pup, half the time I'll probably call her monkey-monkey-monkey or something like that. - Right, yeah! - I will have no expectations for that word later, as opposed to her name, I will have a lot of expectations for.
- Now we are really loading a ton of great exercises into these meal times and one thing you can do is teach your puppy that taking their collar is a really great thing. And how would you do that with Rev? - Yeah, so it's really important cause what we want is a dog that's very calm when we're grabbing their collar, we don't wanna see that thing that you see all the time, a person was grabbing the collar and the dog just deeks away - Totally - and wants to get away from mom or dad.
So what we will do is we will make it worth it to the dog to allow us to grab that collar. So again, I'm gonna grab food, you can see a recurring theme here, so I'm gonna grab some food, put it on my dog's nose.
While it's pretty much on the dog's nose and the dog is nibbling away at the food I'm gonna reach in, grab that collar ever so softly, say, "Yes, good dog," give my dog the food, and then I'm gonna multiple times just going in, grabbing, going in, grabbing, and calmly holding that collar. - Yeah, it's such a really nice opportunity to teach your dog that the moment you have control of their collar, you can "yes" then reward them and this is something, as Mark mentioned, there's so many people who their dog will know exactly how long their arms are.
They will come in to that point where you can almost take hold of them, but if you start by really making it valuable to have control of your dog's collar early by gently taking their collar and then rewarding them for that, you will very quickly teach them that it's worth being close to you.
That it's worth you having control of them, because you're gonna need to do it when you take their leash, you know, when you're gonna attach their leash. Maybe if you need to pick them up for one reason or another.
There's just so many times you want to be able to take control of your dog's collar and by really front loading the value while maybe during a meal time or while you're working with your puppy, it's such a beneficial skill.
And it's a great thing to do with those brand new puppies. With those eight week old puppies cause it's so simple to teach. Let's talk about luring for a moment. What sort of things are you doing to teach your puppy to sit, to teach your puppy to lie down, talk about what you're doing with that eight week old puppy that will set them up to be faster learners as they get older.
- Yeah so again, it's nice and simple stuff with such a young puppy we can't expect too much, and we have to make it really obvious to them what we want them to do. So what we're doing is luring, which is exactly that.
All we're doing is grabbing that high value treat, I can put that treat on the nose, and then from there, just as the word says, I'm luring the dog to do the action that I want it to do. So if I want to do it on a sit I would just place the food on the dog's nose, raise it back, the dog is basically just following the food.
The dog has no idea that it's actually doing the command, it's just following the food. And with regards to that command too, at this point you are certainly not putting a command on to it, it's simply following the food. - Yeah, that's great.
Can an 8 week old puppy be potty trained?
And one thing I want you to be sure of is because these are brand new things for your puppy, new positions, you're gonna be really deliberate about those luring techniques.You're gonna slowly guide them maybe up and into a sit, you're gonna slowly bring them into a down position and maybe if you get a little bit more advanced you can guide them into a stand. But at no point are you using the words.
We're really building on a solid foundation here and we wanna show our puppies that being in those positions is ultimately what we want them to do, but at this point we're not associating with the words, we're just guiding them into that sit and guiding them into that down and by doing that, you're really setting them up so that when you do start to pair those actions with a word they're gonna learn it so much faster.
- Yeah and I will say this too, when we are luring, using that food to lure the puppy, and as Ken said, guiding the dog, remember this that a dog has an attention span of about six inches. So if that food is on my dog's nose, chances are my dog's gonna follow me.
As soon as you go six inches away, there is way more interesting things out there for this puppy to focus on. - Absolutely Good thing to remember with you guys with those brand new puppies at home. So now that you've given your brand new puppy all sorts of great information, you should check out that puppy training tips playlist next to us. It will give you all sorts of tips and tricks for training your puppy as they get older.On that note, I'm Ken. - I'm Mark, and this is Rev. - Happy training. Bye for now!.
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