How To Stop Dog Aggression Towards Other Dogs?

 Hi, Mirko here from Healthy Pet Systems. Today I will tell you how to stop dog aggression towards other dogs. So let's dive in. Dog aggression encompasses a range of behaviors that begins with warnings signs and escalate into the attack. There is a wide range of reasons why your dog become aggressive towards other dogs. Whatever the reason, gentle, and kind dog aggression training will curb aggression. 

How To Stop Dog Aggression Towards Other Dogs

How do you stop a dog from being aggressive to other dogs?

Now let's see how to stop dog aggression towards other dogs in 4 steps: Step number one, leash your dog. You can walk your dog to areas where it can meet other dogs. Give the dog some time to go and socialize with other dogs. However, make sure that you are able to confine just in case it becomes overly aggressive.Number two, isolate it if need be. Exposing some dogs to other dogs can cause stress. If you see aggression signs, isolate your dog from others to give it room for calming down. Number three, make use of commands. 

Why is my dog so aggressive towards other dogs?

You can use commands such as ‘be good’ ‘calm down’ whenever you see that your dog has become aggressive. And the step number four, reward dog for behaving well. After it obeys you or behaves well, you can reward it by giving it a verbal appraisal or treating it with some nice meal.

Can an aggressive dog be cured

Can an aggressive dog be cured?

To find out more, I created a great guide about dog aggression where I show you step by step instructions. Also, in it, you will find top 14 dog aggression signs, types of aggression in dogs, how to stop dog aggression, how to control dog aggression, how to correct dog aggression, and a lot more. A link is down below in the description. If you like this video, hit the subscribe button to receive more like it in the future. And remember let's keep our pets healthy! Bye!.

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